Blessings, dear reader!
There are 50 additional booklets of the April/May/June issue available to those who request them. The theme of this issue’s lessons is “My Soul, Wait Thou Only Upon God” and there are thirteen individual lessons sharing insights about waiting on the Lord. “Waiting For the Holy Spirit,” “Waiting and Watching Unto Prayer,” and “Waiting For Wisdom and Direction” are among some of the lesson titles.
If you don’t regularly use the Bible Lessons in your Sunday School, you may enjoy this series of lessons for your own personal devotional use. Please call Bro. Edgar Martens, at (318) 402-9592 for mailing information. Your only cost will be the price for mailing.
Dear Saints:
I am the Adult Sunday School Teacher at the Harding Street Church of God in Chicago. We have used your lessons for over thirty years. Now in our current distress worldwide, we are not able to assemble. I am requesting a digital version of the Second Quarter lessons (2020) to prepare a video Sunday School for the saints in Chicago. Please let me know if it can be expedited before next Sunday, April 5, 2020.
My prayers are for the saints and their love ones, as well as all the souls of humanity.
Elder Raymond Crisp
Harding Street Church of God