1. Who was the author of the Revelation and what other books of the Bible did he write?

2. According to tradition, from what death was the apostle miraculously spared, and how/ when did he finally die?

3. Where was the apostle exiled and given the Revelation?

4. Give the names of the seven churches of Asia.

5. Give the meanings of these terms: revelation, testimony, angel, seven spirits of God, Alpha and Omega.

6. Describe the Son of Man in John’s vision: A) His garment. B) His girdle. C) His head and hair. D) His eyes. E) His feet. F) His voice. G) In His right hand. H) Out of His mouth. I) His countenance

7. Tell the meaning of the seven golden candlesticks.

8. Tell the meaning of the seven stars.

9. For what did Christ commend the church at Ephesus?

10. What did He have against Ephesus?

11. Who were the Nicolaitans and what did they teach?

12. Who was the pastor at Ephesus at this time, and how old would he have been? Relate the circumstances of his death.

13. What was promised to the overcomers at Ephesus?

14. The church at ______________was very poor, but rich in faith.

15. Who was the “angel” or pastor here? Describe his suffering and death.

16. What was promised to the overcomers here?

17. In Pergamos was the seat of _________. What does that mean?

18. Discuss what may be meant by each of these terms: hidden manna, white stone, new name.

19. The church at Thyatira allowed the ministry of what wicked woman? What did she promote and what was her punishment?

20. How was Thyatira opposite from Ephesus?

21. What was promised to overcomers in Thyatira?

22. Sardis claimed a “______________” but the church was ______.

23. Was Sardis a very poor or wealthy place, and how may that have affected the congregation?

24. Jesus said to “Strengthen ____ _______ _____ __________”

25. What was promised to the overcomers in Sardis?

26. He had set before them an __________ ________.

27. What may be the meaning of the “hour of temptation,” and how was Philadelphia kept from it?

28. Overcomers would be made __________ in the temple of God.

29. Name the three-fold inscription God would write on the overcomers.

30. The Laodiceans were not _____ or _____but________________.

31. What three claims did the Laodiceans make?

32. In reality, they were _____, _____, _____, _____, and ____.

33. What were they to buy from Christ?

34. Jesus said, “As many as I love, I __________ and __________.

35. What word picture describes Christ in this message?

36. What was promised to overcomers?

37. What was round about the throne, and where else in the scriptures is this description found?

38. What else was round about the throne?

39. What came out of the throne?

40. What was before the throne?

41. What was in the midst of the throne and round about it?

42. Who do the twenty-four elders represent?

43. What is the meaning of the rainbow, the sea of glass and the lamps of fire?

44. What do the four beasts symbolize?

45. Share the meaning of the lion.

46. Share the meaning of the calf/ox.

47. Share the meaning of the man.

48. Share the meaning of the flying eagle.




1. John the Apostle. 2. He was boiled in oil but survived; he died at an old age (100) of natural causes. 3. The Isle of Patmos. 4. Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. 5. Revelation=an unveiling; a revealing. Testimony=witness; martyr. Angel=messenger, whether spirit or human. Seven spirits of God=the fulness or completeness of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Alpha and Omega=the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet denoting the beginning and the end of all things; the sum total of all things from beginning to end. 6. A. down to the foot. B. golden. C. white like wool; white as snow. D. a flame of fire. E. fine brass as if they burned in a furnace. F. as the sound of many waters. G. seven stars. H. a sharp two-edged sword. I. as the sun shineth in his strength. 7. Each candlestick represented a church or congregation. 8. The seven stars are the angels, or messengers or pastors of the churches. 9. Had labored without fainting; had patience; had borne much; could not bear them which were evil; had tried the false apostles and found them to be liars; hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans. 10. They had left their first love. 11. The Nicolaitans were a sect of the Gnostics and taught the community of wives; that adultery and fornication were things indifferent; that eating meats offered to idols was quite lawful; and mixed several pagan rites with the Christian ceremonies. 12. The pastor was Timothy, who would have been 50 years old. Two years later, he was beaten by the pagans and died as a result of his injuries. 13. The privilege of eating of the tree of life. 14. Smyrna. 15. The pastor was Polycarp, who was tied and nailed to the stake, but the flames would not touch him. He was then pierced with the sword, but his blood ran out and quenched the fire. 16. They would not be hurt by the second death. 17. Satan. Probably because Pergamos was a city sacred to the gods, the very headquarters of idolatry and was filled with temples to perthe gods, especially Aesclepius, who was called “Savior.” Many curious arts and wonders were performed in his healing temple, where his symbol was a serpent on a pole. 18. Communion and spiritual feasting in the presence of the Lord; a special token of admittance to God’s house and presence; a new spiritual identification because of the change wrought by redemption. 19. Jezebel; she promoted fornication and eating of things sacrificed to idols; she and her (spiritual) posterity would suffer sickness and death. 20. Ephesus was strictly orthodox in belief and practice but had left her first love; Thyatira emphasized charity, but was not careful to hold true doctrines and practices. 21. Power over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron (God’s Word), and the morning star. 22. “Name that thou livest;” dead. 23. Very wealthy; answers may vary. 24. The things that remain. 25. White raiment; name not blotted out of the book of life; name confessed before the Father and His angels. 26. Open door. 27. The invasion of the Muslims. Philadelphia was allowed to continue its Christian presence for many years when the other congregations had been wiped out. 28. Pillars. 29. The name of God; the name of the city of God, which is New Jerusalem; Christ’s new name. 30. Cold; hot; lukewarm. 31. They were rich, increased with goods, and had need of nothing. 32. Wretched; miserable; poor; blind; and naked. 33. Gold tried in the fire; white raiment; eyesalve. 34. Rebuke; chasten. 35. Christ is pictured knocking at the door. 36. A grant to sit with Jesus in His throne. 37. A rainbow; Exodus. 38. Twenty-four seats and twenty-four elders seated. 39. Lightnings, thunderings and voices. 40. Lamps of fire and a sea of glass. 41. Four beasts or living creatures. 42. The redeemed of all ages and specifically those called to minister the gospel, who have authority (symbolized by thrones and crowns) over sickness and satan. 43. The rainbow symbolizes God’s covenants and promises; the sea of glass represents the firm plane and foundation of God’s Word, which includes His promises, covenants, judgments, and laws; the lamps of fire point to the Holy Spirit. 44. All the redeemed of all ages, who manifest the characteristics of Christ Himself. 45. The lion symbolizes kingship, power, boldness and strength. 46. The calf or ox portrays diligent labor, perseverance, and faithful service. 47. The face of the man means the power of choice, valor, affection and compassion that are unique to human kind. 48. The flying eagle refers to the ability God gives to soar above troubles and difficulties, the power of vision and speed.